Thursday 19 October 2017

We celebrate Halloween and Samaín!

To celebrate Samaín, and its American version Halloween, we announce the 1st Contest of Decorated Pumpkins at CPI Cabo da Area.
The pumpkins will be collected between the 23rd and 27th October, and will be displayed in the school's hall. Only uncarved pumpkins (because they rot easily if carved) will be accepted.
Here you have some examples, if you need to get some ideas. We hope you take part!

Bo día! 
Para celebrar o Samaín, e a súa versión americana, o Halloween, convócase o I Certame de exposición de cabazas do CPI Plurilingüe Cabo da Area.
As cabazas recolleranse entre os días 23 e 27 de outubro, e exhibiranse no recibidor do centro.
Aceptaranse unicamente aquelas cabazas que non veñan talladas ou furadas (podrecen facilmente nese caso).
Déixovos algúns exemplos, por se queredes coller ideas. Agardamos a vosa participación!!

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